Tomodachi Academy
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Tomodachi Academy

Based on the new trend in School Idol Tomodachi, we decided to create a forum based entirely in idolsonas, so we could post more content in an organized manner
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 Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news.

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2 posters


Posts : 33
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2016-08-20
Age : 23

Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news. Empty
PostSubject: Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news.   Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news. EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 11:41 am

Here is the temporary headquarters for the Tomodachi High newspaper while the rest of the forum is in construction.
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Posts : 2
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2016-08-22
Age : 27

Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news.   Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news. EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 12:23 pm

So far the paper starts with the introduction of Tomodachi Academy (headlines & Page 2), Page 3 will be Vess's idolsona. (I reserved a whole page to Vess) the forth page will be some kinky stuff such as
Not confirmed:

Questions and Suggestions are welcome!
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Tomadachi News- Temporary home for the Tomodachi news.
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