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 BBCode Tutorial

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Posts : 44
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Join date : 2016-08-12

BBCode Tutorial Empty
PostSubject: BBCode Tutorial   BBCode Tutorial EmptyFri Aug 19, 2016 10:15 am

Hello! In School Idol Tomodachi the codes were pretty difficult to get on the beginning, but here you'll find that BBCode is really simple! Besides this tutorial, you'll always have the bar in the Reply Post page to help you.

Let's begin with the basic, yes? The BBCode uses tags for modificating your texts, so you'll always use [firstcommandhere] Text [/firstcommandhere]. All you need to know now are the tags that this forum have.

Making your text bold, italic, underlined or striked:

Combining tags:

Coloring your text:

Text align:

Adding images:

Adding Links:

How to add spoilers:

Quoting text:

This are the basics of the BBCode. If you want to know how to do something more specific, you can ask me in this post or gohere
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