Tomodachi Academy
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Tomodachi Academy

Based on the new trend in School Idol Tomodachi, we decided to create a forum based entirely in idolsonas, so we could post more content in an organized manner
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 General topic — Chat with everyone here!

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Posts : 44
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Join date : 2016-08-12

General topic — Chat with everyone here! Empty
PostSubject: General topic — Chat with everyone here!   General topic — Chat with everyone here! EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 9:53 pm

Here you can post pretty much everything you want, just be respectful with other players and have fun~!

I have already put a chat in the forum, btw, you can access it in the link at the "Who's Online" part at the bottom of the homepage and it should open a pop up, but if you prefer I can put the chat directly in the forum~
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General topic — Chat with everyone here!
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