Tomodachi Academy
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Tomodachi Academy

Based on the new trend in School Idol Tomodachi, we decided to create a forum based entirely in idolsonas, so we could post more content in an organized manner
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 Progress Reports

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2 posters

Posts : 44
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Join date : 2016-08-12

Progress Reports Empty
PostSubject: Progress Reports   Progress Reports EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 8:40 pm

Here I will add all the things that are already in the forum, so you guys can see the things that still are incomplete and the things I have already taken care off

— Library location thread
— Uniforms post
— Forum Categories

In Progress
— A lot of the locations topics — I still have to add the description and information for each one. The images are already there, so the most difficult part already passed
— Characters category — I have divided the characters between 1st, 2nd and 3rd years and the teachers too. I have made a Units forum too so the members of each unit can interact between them.
— Forum/RP Rules — I made a set of rules in general, but I will probably ask help with this because I might have missed something. This is also a introduction post to idolsonas, and thanks to Makishima it's almost ready
— The Off-Topic section for art, fanfics and etc

To be made
— Add the other classrooms to the locations, as just the class 1 — A have a topic at the moment
— The chat and a thread so you guys can talk while the forum is not ready :3
— A BBCode tutorial
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Posts : 33
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2016-08-20
Age : 23

Progress Reports Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Reports   Progress Reports EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 3:28 pm

An update from the other mod:


- Tsukumogami Unit thread

- Quite a few character pages!

- Location: Haruka Martial Arts Center

In Progress

- A menu for La Plaza café

- A more detailed MISTEX page

-More bios and unit pages!

To be made

- Rules for the Fanfiction section
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