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Tomodachi Academy

Based on the new trend in School Idol Tomodachi, we decided to create a forum based entirely in idolsonas, so we could post more content in an organized manner
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 Introduction thread

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Horikawa Raiko
12 posters

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PostSubject: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 1:05 pm

As Makishima suggested, this is the place where you introduce and tell us a little bit more about yourself, and maybe about your idolsona too! It would be appreciated if you also link your SIT profile so more people can localize you there, and feel free to put any other links if you like it~

Soon I will edit here with my own introduction, but have fun, guys!

Last edited by Solarynn on Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 1:36 pm

Here's my introduction! I'm Makishima on SIT but my real name is Louise so if you'd rather call me that, go ahead! I'm born 1996 which means I'm turning 20 this year (and that's terrifying). If you're uncomfortable with me talking to you because I'm an adult, just block me I don't mind it at all.

I'm super excited to roleplay here because it's been years since I last RPed and I wanna get back into it! My idolsonas are: Rumi "Lulu" Munehira, Taiyou Senge and Hotaru Doumoto. (I haven't posted Taiyou anywhere so that's why you haven't heard of him. Will show him off when we can post our characters!)

Introductions are hard but I think I'm done here...!
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 3:29 pm

Greetings and salutations. If you haven't already guessed, I am Ryqoshay from School Idol Tomodachi. As I fancy myself a writer, I look forward to getting my creative juices flowing again as well as bear witness to the vast creativity of others. I believe this will be a wonderful experience for everyone involved. ^_^

Currently, I have created a handful of Idolsonas: Ryqoshay,* Yozakura, Nullsilver Luna, and Flash Pyre.** I have also created a member of the school's faculty, Rx (Recipere), and am working on creating a librarian as well.

*Yes, I use her name as a screen name, blah blah, Mary Sue, I don't care. ╮(︶▽︶)╭
**As of the scenes I have written thus far, Pyre has yet to choose this stage name and as such is still addressed by his given name, Aelic, by the other characters.
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 5:08 pm

Hihi~~ I'm Spade_Meri~ You can call me Spade or Meri or trash or whatever you like. I won't mind at all! hahaha~ I was born in 1997 and I am 19 years old at this moment~

I'm mostly a writer and an artist. For almost 9 years, I have been organizing what I think will be my masterpiece: "Cursed Star". I really can't wait until I finish writing it!

Right now, I have six idolsonas: Akemi*, Merani**, Kevin, Kimiko, Naoki and Lidia (Classical dance teacher). To be noted that Akemi, Merani and Kevin are actual characters of my story and Lidia is a figurine there, so be very careful with ships, please. I don't mind if you make them, but I will probably not do any shippy art with them and other idolsonas. I'm very sorry about this, but it's because I'm very mindful of their crushes in my story.

I might introduce to you guys some side characters to situate my idolsonas somewhere, but that's all. Not gonna do some big Q&A about them. It's just a way for you to know some of my idolsonas' connections

If you have any questions about my idolsonas or any characters I may introduce, be free to ask as I love talking about my characters, really! ^-^ It's exciting~

* Akemi is actually a boy in my story, but back then I didn't know we could make male idolsonas so I just turned him into a girl since he was already very feminine. Shame, I know, but nothing I can do now ^^''
** Before you say anything, my nickname is Meri because of exactly this character Merani. My bf was the one that came up with it, so no, not Mary Sue. People just started calling me Meri to be easier.
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 5:48 pm

Hi,I am Cyarin but you can use any variations unless someone else uses it or I personally disapprove. I am born in 1999,Sept 19 which means I am turning 17 soon.
For my idolsonas,I will put them later
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 6:03 pm

Hello, I'm Amaya5 on School Idol Tomodachi. I'd rather not share my specific age, just that I am in my early-mid 20s, trying to be a serious working adult even though I enjoy anime, manga, cosplay, video games, idols/rhythm games, and roleplaying. Like everyone else I am somewhat a writer, especially through roleplaying which makes me so happy that I can roleplay as my idolsona. Speaking of which, my idolsona is Amaya Mitsuki and yes, that is the same name as my screen name. I like that name and she is based off of me for the most part but younger and more anime obviously; if I was a LOT prettier and not so ugly as hell irl, not so shy and awkward due to mental illness, could actually play the violin, and had dark blue eyes instead of hazel. Ironically enough, in real life I was a soprano in choir so the deep singing voice isn't like me either (possibly, I haven't actually sang something in such a long time not counting singing along to Japanese songs). I think that it's for my introduction, I'm not really good at these kinds of things.
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Horikawa Raiko

Horikawa Raiko

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Location : Sierra Vista, Arizona

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 10:58 pm

Hello. I'm Horikawa Raiko from School Idol Tomodachi. I'm 22, born in Germany and have dual citizenship (other nationality is US), and currently in college. My main interests are music (from various genres and around the world), video games (GTA, NFS, and Touhou), anime (Love Live, Madoka, Initial D), and manga.

I'm somewhat of a writer, having written a Touhou/Alternate History fan fiction on another forum, and normal Alternate Histories on a Wikia site I used to frequent (and still sort of do). I also roleplayed on said Wikia site, though as entire nations (from any point in history, depending on what the beginning year of the map game is) as opposed to a single individual.

My only idolsona is Kiyoko Fujikawa.
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Join date : 2016-08-18
Age : 23
Location : Hell

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyFri Aug 19, 2016 8:25 am

Σ\οωο\ um hi! Im peko-san on SIT but my real names Carman(yes with an 'a' and not an 'e', i get annoyed when ppl spell it wrong

im chinese and draw a lot or whenever i can i guess shh im not much of a writer and im awkward

my idolsona's called Hinata Yukimura but she prefers to be called Naomi and her family runs a half bakery half textile shop in the shopping district

/οωο/ thats it for now

Last edited by peko-san on Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Location : idol hell

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 9:41 am

hello !! im formerly tsunderetomato on SIT but recently saintsnow stole away my heart ;w; i answer more to my name, tallis, than my username tbh. im smol (as in im still in high school) but i fancy myself a decent role player and promise to use proper grammar when replying ^^;

the heart of my life is my idolsona Syndra. she means a lot to me so please be gentle with her!!! she and i share many similarities so i might have a tendency to take attacks against her personally orz
as well as ms. Merci,,, who is honestly inspired from mari ohara but You'll See That When You Met Her
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Join date : 2016-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 2:35 pm

Hello hello everyone (\o v o/)

I'm fabletelle on SIT (as well as basically everywhere else) tho most of you know me as just fable. I was born in 1997 and I'm currently 19 years old ^.^

I used to RP and write a lot when I was younger, but I haven't done so really since I started university so please forgive me if my writing skills aren't quite up to par ;w;

I currently have two idolsonas: Moriko Ashida, and Button. Moriko is a little self-insert-y, but I just don't rly care tbh. -shrug emoji- I also have two groups of idol ocs outside of SIT called Melody STARS!☆ and their rivals NEApoliTAN that I may reference to once in a while.

if you have any other questions about me or my idols, please feel free to ask!
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Join date : 2016-08-20
Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 3:25 pm

HeY eVeRyBoDy! I am Lex-Chan, an admin/mod for the forum! I'm Lex-Chan on SIT as well! You can call me Lex! My profile says I'm 15, but that isn't my real age. I'm between 10 and 20, so you can just assume I'm 15. I write. A lot. And I draw. A lot. My idolsona is Kyoko Hoshino! If you need any help or have a suggestion feel free to ask me!
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Join date : 2016-08-22
Age : 27

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 11:56 am

I am Smg2daisy from School Idol Tomodachi! I'm 19 this year (gosh I feel old) and I am into Idolsonas so much recently! My idolsona is Dancy, and I am working on Tomodachi News, which Lex-chan have posted a thread about that. You can ask anything if you have questions about it, and if you want to suggest stuff, feel free to message me in here or SiT!

Details about me: Loves chocolate, singing~
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Join date : 2016-09-05
Age : 21

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PostSubject: Re: Introduction thread   Introduction thread EmptyMon Sep 05, 2016 6:34 am

Hello everyone! I'm tr1170 from SIT! Idolsonas seem cool, my idolsona is 'Mika'. I have high hopes for this RP
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