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Tomodachi Academy

Based on the new trend in School Idol Tomodachi, we decided to create a forum based entirely in idolsonas, so we could post more content in an organized manner
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 First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics?

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2 posters

Do you think we need a chat?
Yes! This way we can keep ourselves distracted!
First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_lcap0%First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
No, the forum is only available because solarynn needed answers and we are here to help her
First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_lcap0%First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
I think we should make a topic instead of a chat, so we can actually put images and stuff, besides having the chance to put more information about our idolsonas there without having to use SIT
First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_lcap17%First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_rcap
 17% [ 2 ]
Make a chat AND a topic!
First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_lcap50%First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_rcap
 50% [ 6 ]
I'm fine with whatever you guys decide
First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_lcap33%First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Vote_rcap
 33% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 12
Poll closed


Posts : 44
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Join date : 2016-08-12

First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Empty
PostSubject: First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics?   First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? EmptyWed Aug 17, 2016 11:42 pm

Ok! So, thank you guys for being here! As you can see, we are still making the forum and there is some parts that I need help with, principally with you guys. This is a thread that will discuss the current problems or questions that we have and we want you guys to participate too!

In this first post I want to speak about what is really troubling me now: the locations. We already have a few sorted out, but I still need names and a little tip on what do I put in the first post. I was thinking in adding descriptions and how some things work in that place, but that's all.

So, I want you guys to help me with a simple answer: what do you think I need to put in the firsts posts in the localization category? Descriptions? Images? Rules of the local in question? Information about the place itself?

After that I have another question for you guys, but until then, I'll just leave this here and wait for your answers.

Thank you for your attention!

Last edited by Solarynn on Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Horikawa Raiko

Horikawa Raiko

Posts : 2
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Join date : 2016-08-18
Location : Sierra Vista, Arizona

First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics?   First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 12:48 am

I think descriptions, images, and information about the place itself would be the best for the first posts, so to not only get a better view of the place, but also describe what is there, the surroundings and such.
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Posts : 44
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Join date : 2016-08-12

First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics?   First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 12:59 pm

Horikawa Raiko wrote:
I think descriptions, images, and information about the place itself would be the best for the first posts, so to not only get a better view of the place, but also describe what is there, the surroundings and such.

Noted it! For now I'm going to do the school grounds descriptions, and then some information about the place itself. Thank you for your help :33
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PostSubject: Re: First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics?   First Notices | What should we put in the locations topics? Empty

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